
What is the difference between RPM packages and InstallBuilder installers?

In which way is an InstallBuilder installer different to a RPM package?


InstallBuilder installers serve a different purpose than RPMs. RPMs are designed and optimized to package applications for a particular distribution. InstallBuilder Installers are designed to allow the same software package to be installed across all Linux distributions.

Additionally, RPMs do not allow interaction with the end-user and require root privileges to install any kind of application. InstallBuilder installers allow full interaction with the end-user in graphical, text and unattended modes.

There are scenarios where integration with the underlying package management system can be desirable. InstallBuilder can provide support for generating RPM installers from a InstallBuilder XML project file and integrating with the RPM database at installation time. Please email us if you are interested in these capabilities.

There are also differences in the way the action lists are executed. Please read the following article for a more detailed explanation:

Which Action Lists are executed in RPM/DEB packages?