Check Out Our Improved Support System and Monthly InstallBuilder Version Update

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We have been doing a lot of planning to make InstallBuilder even better over the next few months. One thing we identified that would make a difference right away is improving our help desk system. We are happy to announce that, along with our newest monthly InstallBuilder release, we have deployed a new helpdesk system powered by Zendesk that will significantly enhance the user support experience.

With the new system, InstallBuilder customers have an easier path to opening support tickets and keeping them up-to-date. You can now easily comment on or update tickets through both the Zendesk portal and through email. This new system also makes attaching files and screenshots very intuitive- you can attach them to your email or upload them through the portal to have them added to your ticket.

We are excited that this investment in our support infrastructure will make your interactions with our team even more streamlined and efficient than ever!

Tell us what you think

You can continue using the support[at] email address to reach our dedicated support team. An email to that address will automatically generate a new ticket. You might notice slight changes to the look of our support emails, which are a result of the improved system.

If you have already emailed our support, you already have an account- simply navigate to the login screen at and click “Get a password.”

Have you tried out the new system? We would love to hear from you - feel free to comment on this post or email our support team with your feedback.

New in InstallBuilder Version 16.10.0

This month’s release is focused on bug-fixes and a workaround to proactively secure an uncommon DLL-hijacking vulnerability in the Windows operating system. This vulnerability is only secured in installers packaged with the latest version of InstallBuilder, so make sure you are up to date!

Other improvements in InstallBuilder 16.10.0 include the following:

  • Fixed issue when centering a non-progress dialog windows in Win32, XWindow and OSX modes
  • Fixed <licenseParameter> when used inside a <parameterGroup> in Qt mode
  • Improved log file localisation on Windows

Are you using the latest version of InstallBuilder? Check our downloads page and make sure you are building the most secure, full-featured installers possible!