New InstallBuilder Version 16.8.0 Released

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BitRock’s engineering team has just released the latest monthly update to InstallBuilder, Version 16.8.0!

Beginning with OS X version 10.8, Apple made it mandatory that your Mac installers be signed using a valid signing certificate. InstallBuilder makes it easy to integrate your certificate into the build process for both new and existing installers. This feature just got better, with support for PKCS12 files with the osxsigner tool for existing installers. To use this feature, simply execute the following:

/path/to/your/IB/installation/tools/code-signing/osxsigner –pkcs12 /path/to/your/pkcs12.file /path/to/your/

Other improvements for version 16.8.0 include the following bugfixes:

Download the latest version of InstallBuilder and get started today!