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We recently released version 16.1.0 of BitRock InstallBuilder. The new release features the following improvements:

  • Improved LZMA/LZHAM ultra compression settings in CD-ROM mode
  • Improved Windows icons handling to support arbitrary sizes
  • Fixed AutoUpdate not properly exiting after launching updates in unattended mode
  • Improved <getProcessUsingPort> action
  • New <osxDmgTitle> project property
  • Added new options ‘nativeAbsolutize’ and ‘nativize’ to <pathManipulation> action
  • Make Action Groups show their <explanation> in the builder GUI tree if non empty
  • New project property <windowsDPIAware> to allow configuring the dpiAware Windows executable manifest setting
  • POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY: Disabled UPX compression by default on Windows
  • Updated documentation
  • Made <runAsShell> a Linux-only property
  • Fixed <unpackFile> action not properly working on CD-ROM mode
  • Fixed HTML widgets not properly handling mouse clicks on non-qt modes