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We recently released version 8.5.1 of BitRock InstallBuilder. The new release features the following improvements:

  • Updated documentation
  • Improved Windows 8 and Windows 2012 compatibility
  • Improved handling of errors in Windows services actions
  • Improved Java autodetection in OS X
  • Improved <addUser> and <deleteUser> actions to support Windows domains
  • Make AutoUpdate iterate over the list of mirrors in case of error when running in unattended mode
  • Added high resolution icon for OS X installers compatible with Retina Display
  • Improved <linkParameter> look and feel
  • Improved <createSymLinks> action
  • Fixed uninstallation not being aborted when closing the uninstaller window in some scenarios
  • Fixed <choiceParameter> page wrapping on Gtk mode
  • Fixed choice selection widget crashing in some Windows environments
  • Fixed uninstaller creation failing in some Windows scenarios when calling the installer using a relative symbolic links

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