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We recently released version 8.1.0 of BitRock InstallBuilder. The new release features the following improvements:

  • Updated documentation
  • Reduced memory consumed by big installers
  • Improved Builder GUI drag and drop when using non-default DPI settings
  • Improved startup time in qt mode when using a big number of directory parameters
  • Improved Qt mode on OS X to use the native buttons order
  • Fixed OS X installers failing in some environments when displaying the final page
  • Fix crash when failing to delete locked DLLs
  • Fixed installers failing when displaying some component groups configurations
  • Fixed Windows shortcuts cache not being properly refreshed on uninstallation
  • Fixed downloadable components not properly verifying the download checksum in some environments
  • Fixed <kill> action not properly working when invoked inside loop actions
  • Fixed AutoUpdate not properly normalizing the update download location
  • Fixed <userTest> failing in some Windows 64bits environments when <windows64bitMode> is enabled
  • Fixed some actions not properly executed in the <onErrorActionList>
  • Fixed installer not being deleted in some environments when <deleteOnExit> is enabled

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