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We recently released version 8.0.2 of BitRock InstallBuilder. The new release features the following improvements:

  • Improved example projects and made them easily accessible through the builder GUI
  • Added HTTPS support for Linux, Windows and OS X for <httpGet> and <httpPost> actions as well as for the autoupdater
  • Improved downloadable components to allow resuming failed downloads
  • Added new <runAsAdmin> tag to <addScheduledTask> action
  • Improved error handling when none of the configured allowed display modes can be initialized
  • Improved built-in pages to display runtime changes of the <fullName> property
  • Fixed HTTP-related actions failing in some Windows 64bit environments
  • Fixed <componentTest> rule not properly checking child components
  • Fixed Qt mode not properly displaying right-to-left languages
  • Fixed Gtk custom style not properly wrapping some parameter pages text
  • Fixed <runProgram> action failing in some Windows environments when passing arguments containing % characters
  • Fixed installer failing when launched in some partially broken HP-UX environments
  • Fixed incorrect encoding in Italian language
  • Fixed <choiceParameter> crashing when providing multiple options with the same text
  • Fixed InstallBuilder’s User Guide link in start menu on Windows
  • Fixed Gtk progress bar writing warnings to console in some environments
  • Fixed <labelParameter> not being properly vertically aligned

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