We have been hard at work on InstallBuilder and we’re happy to announce that InstallBuilder 6.5.0 is now available. This release includes a long list of improvements, such as:
New <consoleWrite> action
New mechanism to escape variable references
Allow configuring Autoupdate tool proxy through the configuration file
New <antivirusTest> and <firewallTest>
Added –help menu to the builder
Added –license command line flag to the builder to provide an alternative license file
Added –debugtrace command line flag to the builder
Added –project command line flag to specify a project to load in the GUI builder
Improved unattendedModeUI mode to support gtk and qt mode
Added <delay> tag to <stopWindowsService> action
New windows-x86 platform type check added to <platformTest> rule
Fixed refresh issue that affected download rate in Autoupdate Tool, especially on OS X
New <runAsAdmin> tag added to shortcuts to mark Windows shortcuts to run as Administrator
Improved validation of boolean and integer type settings