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We just released version 6.4.0 of BitRock InstallBuilder. The new release features the following improvements:

  • Added support for nested variables
  • Now all variable references are case insensitive
  • New <createShortcuts> action
  • Prevent GUI builder from accepting incorrect values in its dialogs
  • Added new <while> and <break> actions
  • New <autodetectDotNetFramework> action
  • New <locate> action
  • Added new <zip> action
  • Added matchHiddenFiles flag to <touchFile>, <copyFile> and <deleteFile> actions
  • Added OS X support for user and group manipulation actions
  • Added new built-in variable windows_os_flavor
  • Allow <foreach> and <if> actions to be accessed through the GUI
  • Fixed Qt installer abnormaly resizing in “custom” mode
  • Fixed patterns in folders’ inclusion filters not resolved when using backslashes
  • Allow <showProgressDialog> to display a download progress bar when containing a single <httpGet> child action
  • Normalize all relative paths to reference project directory in Autoupdate tool
  • New validation of duplicated project tags
  • Disabled RPM registration in platforms with non-native RPM support
  • Increase size of builder project properties dialog
  • Allow empty user and password to be provided in <addScheduledTask> action
  • New <runOnlyIfLoggedOn> tag in <addScheduledTask> action
  • Disable language selection dialog when a value is provided through command line
  • Allow InstallBuilder license to be saved to and loaded from user personal directory on Windows
  • Added Japanese string for Installer.DirectorySelection built-in string
  • Fixed glitch in button states after installation page
  • Allow task name with spaces in <addScheduledTask> action

Visit to download or to view our changelog.