
Installer basics

Structure of a Generic Installer

At a high level, you can think of an installer as three related components (resources, logic and user input) delivered together as part of an installation package.

  • Installation Resources

These are the objects that will be bundled in the installer to be delivered to the end-user machine. They may be executable files for your software, SQL scripts or image files.

  • Installation Logic

The installation logic specifies a set of actions that will be performed on the resources, such as copying files around and substituting values in them or the system itself, starting or stopping services or creating a new user. The installation logic can be conditional, based on a set of rules that can take into account multiple factors such as the operating system the installer is running on or which options the end-user selected.

  • External Input

Often, you want to make the installation logic depend on input from the end user, such as the installation directory or the TCP/IP port the application should listen to. The user input is usually collected through a GUI frontend, but could also be provided using command line options passed to the installer or written in a response file.

  • Installation Package

The installation package contains the installation logic and resources. It can be a self-contained executable or a native package, such as an RPM or Debian package.

The following section explains how the previous concepts are implemented within InstallBuilder.

Structure of a InstallBuilder Installer

  • Installation Resources

InstallBuilder supports multiple types of resources. The most important ones are files and directories that will be bundled when the installer is created, but also supports desktop and start menu shortcuts. Files and directories get assigned to folders, which specify a location in the target machine. The location does not need to be fixed and can be changed at runtime. Installer resources can be further organized in components that specify multiple folders and shortcuts that go together. In addition to the resources that will be installed in the end user’s system, there are resources for customizing the installer itself, such as graphics, language files and descriptions of the installer screens.

  • Installation Logic

InstallBuilder allows controlling the flow of the installation using actions and rules. InstallBuilder includes built-in actions for the most common functionality, such as creating users, starting services or changing file permissions, but it is also possible to invoke external programs. Actions can be run at multiple points during the installer lifecycle, such as at build time, startup time or when certain UI screens are displayed. Rules can be attached to these actions to decide which of them should be executed at runtime based on the external input.

  • External Input

InstallBuilder presents a set of pages to collect user input in addition to a command line interface. It is also possible to retrieve environment variables or information about the OS in which the installer is running.

  • Installation Package

By default, InstallBuilder generates single-file, self-contained installers which can easily be distributed over the Internet. The end user just needs to download the file, and double-click or execute it from a console prompt in order to launch the installer. It is also possible to generate multiplatform CDROM/DVD installers and native Linux packages, such as Debian and RPM. For native packages, the end result of the build process is an .rpm or .deb package that contains the installation files and a small binary that encapsulates the installation logic and will be run automatically at package install time. Installation values are fixed at build time for native packages and there is no external input collected at runtime.